Our Mission Statement

Big Lakes County’s mission is to enhance our community by encouraging responsible development that supports our agricultural and resource-based industries.

This means investing in core services like infrastructure, communities, and other municipal services. Through Council policy and resolutions, we will promote responsible development, environmental security, and positive intermunicipal relations with our private, public and governmental partners.

Our Vision

Building a sustainable municipality.

Through Council’s leadership, we will strive to build and diversify Big Lakes County’s economy and strengthen Big Lakes County’s role as a leader of rural municipalities. We will strive for sustainability and set the stage for continued innovation, education, diversification, and good government, and by maintaining the rural landscape in Big Lakes County, we will be protecting agricultural resources and significant natural environments for future generations.

Strategic Plan

Creating a Livable/Affordable County through Growth, Fiscal Responsibility and Good Governance

Big Lakes County is proud to present its Strategic Plan for the years 2023 to 2028/2030, centered around four pillars. 

  1. Livable/Affordable County
  2. Growth
  3. Fiscal Responsibility
  4. Good Governance

This is a living document, and as such is open for further revision and adaptation as we move forward with our strategy implementation. Our hope is that this document will be used as a starting point to engage other stakeholders, including residents, businesses, and all levels of government in helping us achieve our long-term goals. As a rural municipality in Alberta, we recognize the unique challenges faced by our community and the importance of addressing them strategically to ensure a vibrant and sustainable future.